Publications, Acknowledgements, and References


Support from NSF grants AST-1910396, AST-2108975 and NASA grants 80NSSC22K0622, 80NSSC21K0245, and NNX16AB76G is gratefully acknowledged.


  1. Rotation Among TESS-Selected Wide Non-Interacting Binaries. Citation: Oswalt, T., Buzasi, D., Otani, T., Vaidya, S., Shanahan, C., & Grigorov, P. (2022). Rotation Among TESS-Selected Wide Non-Interacting Binaries. Bulletin of the AAS, 54(6). (source)
  2. A Monte Carlo Method for Evaluating Empirical Gyrochronology Models and Its Application to Wide Binary Benchmarks. Citation: Tomomi Otani et al 2022 ApJ 930 36. DOI:10.3847/1538-4357/ac6035 (source)
  3. Testing the Gyrochronology Paradigm Using Wide Coeval Binary Stars. Citation: Confeiteiro, K., Shanahan, C., Grigorov, P., Lutzel, S., Vaidya, S., Oswalt, T., & Buzasi, D. (2023, April 12). Testing the gyrochronology paradigm using wide coeval binary stars. Scholarly Commons. (source)

  1. Calibration of the H-alpha Age-Activity Relation for M Dwarfs. Citation: Rocio Kiman et al 2021 AJ 161 277 (source)
  2. wdwarfdate: A Python Package to Derive Bayesian Ages of White Dwarfs. Citation: Rocio Kiman et al 2022 AJ 164 62 (source)
  3. Constraints on the Spindown of Fully Convective M Dwarfs Using Wide Field Binaries. Citation: Emily K. Pass et al 2022 ApJ 936 109 (source)


*These include references for previous posters along with references used in proposals for the NSF and NASA (download list as a PDF).

  1. Aigrain, S. et al. (13 coauthors) 2015, “Testing the Recovery of Stellar Rotation Signals from Kepler Light Curves Using a Blind Hare-and-Hounds Exercise,” MNRAS, 450, 3211-3226 .
  2. Aigrain, S., Parviainen, H., Pope, B. 2016, “K2SC: Flexible Systematics Correction and Detrending of K2 Light Curves Using Gaussian Process Regression,” MNRAS, 459, 2408-19 .
  3. Anderson, T., Darling, D. 1954, “A Test of Goodness-of-Fit,” J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 49, 765 .
  4. Andrews, J., Agueros, M., Gianninas, A. et al. 2015, “Constraints on the Initial-Final Mass Relation from Wide Double White Dwarfs,” ApJ 815, 63 .
  5. Andrews, J., Chaname, J., Agueros, M. 2017, “Wide Binaries in Tycho-Gaia: Search Method and the Distribution of Orbital Separations,” MNRAS 472, 675 .
  6. Andrews, J., Chaname, J., Agueros, M. 2018, “Wide Binaries in Tycho-Gaia II: Metallicities, Abundances and Prospects for Chemical Tagging,” MNRAS 473, 5393 .
  7. Angus, R., Aigrain, S., Foreman-Mackey, D., McQuillan, A. 2015, “Calibrating Gyrochronology Using Kepler Asteroseismic Targets,” MNRAS 450, 1787 .
  8. Angus, R., Beane, A., Price-Whelan, A., Newton, E., Curtis, J., Berger, T., van Saders, J., Kiman, R., Foreman-Mackey, D., Lu, Y., Anderson, L., Faherty, J. 2020, “Exploring the Evolution of Stellar Rotation Using Galactic Kinematics,” AJ 160, 90 .
  9. Angus, R., Beane, A., Price-Whelan, A., Newton, E., Curtis, J., Berger, T., van Saders, J., Kiman, R., Foreman-Mackey, D., Lu, Y., Anderson, L., Faherty, J. 2020, “Exploring the Evolution of Stellar Rotation Using Galactic Kinematics,” AJ 160, 90 .
  10. Angus, R., Morton, T., Foreman-Mackey, D., van Saders, J., Curtis, J., Kane, S., Bedell, M. Kiman, R., Hogg, D., Brewer, J. 2019, “Toward Precise Stellar Ages: Combining Isochrone Fitting with Empirical Gyrochronology,” AJ 158, 173 .
  11. Angus, R., Morton, T., Foreman-Mackey, D., van Saders, J., Curtis, J., Kane, S., Bedell, M. Kiman, R., Hogg, D., Brewer, J. 2019, “Toward Precise Stellar Ages: Combining Isochrone Fitting with Empirical Gyrochronology,” AJ 158, 173 .
  12. Barclay, T., Barentsen, G. 2018, “A Catalog of Stars Observed Simultaneously by Kepler and TESS,” RNAAS 2, 192 .
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  24. Bischoff-Kim, A., Montgomery, M. 2018, “WDEC: A Code for Modeling White Dwarf Structure and Pulsations,” AJ 155, 187 .
  25. Bressan, A., Marigo, P., Girardi, L., Salasnich, B., Dal Cero, C., Rubele, S., Nanni, A. 2012, “PARSEC: stellar tracks and isochrones with the PAdova and TRieste Stellar Evolution Code,” MNRAS 427, 127 .
  26. Buzasi, D. 2018, “Connecting the Past to the Future: Age-Rotation-Activity Studies from Kepler to TESS,” 20th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, 66 .
  27. Buzasi, D., Carboneau, L., Hessler, C., Lezcano, A., Preston, H. 2016a, “Serendipitous Science from the K2 Mission,” Proceedings of the IAU, Volume 29B, 2016, 67318 .
  28. Buzasi, D., Lezcano, A., Preston, H. 2016, “Rotation, Activity and Stellar Obliquities in a Large Uniform Sample of Kepler Solar Analogs,” J. Space Weather Space Climate, 6, 38. .
  29. Buzasi, D., Lezcano, A., Preston, H. 2016, “Rotation, Activity and Stellar Obliquities in a Large Uniform Sample of Kepler Solar Analogs,” J. Space Weather Space Climate, 6, 38. .
  30. Cacciari, C., Pancino, E., Bellazzini, M., 2016, “Gaia,” Astr. Nach. 337, 899 .
  31. Carroll, B. W., & Ostlie, D. A. (2017). An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics. Cambridge university press. .
  32. Catalán, S., Isern, J., García-Berro, E., Ribas, I., Allende Prieto, C., Bonanos, A., 2008a, “The Initial-Final Mass Relationship from White Dwarfs in Common Proper Motion Pairs”, A&A, 477, 213 .
  33. Claytor, Z., van Saders, J., Santos, A., Garcia, R., Mathur, S., Tayar, J., Pinsonneault, Shetrone, M. 2020, “Chemical Evolution in the Milky Way: Rotation-Based Ages for APOGEE-Kepler Cool Dwarf Stars,” ApJ 888, 43 .
  34. Cummings, J., Kalirai, J., Tremblay, P-E., Ramirez-Ruiz, E. 2016, ‘Two Massive White Dwarfs from NGC 2323 and the Initial-Final Mass Relation for Progenitors of 4 to 6.5 M¤,” ApJ 818, 84 .
  35. Curtis, J., Agueros, M., Douglas, S., Meibom, S. 2019, “A Temporary Epoch of Stalled Spin-Down for Low-Mass Stars: Insights from NGC 6811 with Gaia & Kepler,” ApJ 879, 49 .
  36. Davenport, J., Covey, K. 2018, “Rotating Stars from Kepler Observed with Gaia DR2,” ApJ 868, 151 .
  37. Dhital, S., Oswalt, T., Muirhead, P., Weisenburger, K., Barnes, S., Janes, K., West, A., Covey, K., Meibom, S, Mizusawa, T. 2013, “A Gyrochronology and Microvariability Survey of the Milky Way’s Older Stars Using Kepler’s Two-Wheels Program,” 2013arXiv1309.1172D .
  38. Dhital, S., West, A., Stassun, K., Schluns, K., Massey, A. 2015, “SLoWPoKES-II: 100,000 Wide Binaries Identified in SDSS without Proper Motions,” AJ 150, 18 .
  39. Dotson, J., Colon, K., Barentsen, G., Hedges, C., Barclay, T. 2020, “K2 Targets Observed in TESS Cycles 1-3,” RNAAS 4, 240 .
  40. El-Badry, K., Rix, H-W. 2018, “Imprints of White Dwarf Recoil in the Separation Distribution of Gaia Wide Binaries,” MNRAS 480, 4884 .
  41. El-Badry, K., Rix, H-W. Weisz, D. 2018, “An Empirical Measurement of the Initial-Final Mass Relation with Gaia White Dwarfs,” ApJL 860, L17 .
  42. El-Badry, K., Rix, H-W., Heintz, T. 2021, “A Million Binaries from Gaia eDR3: Sample Selection and Validation of Gaia Parallax Uncertainties,” MNRAS preprint, .
  43. Engle, S., Guinan, E. 2018, “The Rotation-Age Relationship of M Dwarfs: A Progress Report of the Living with a Red Dwarf Program,” RNAAS 2 .
  44. Epstein, C., Pinsonneault, M. 2018, “How Good a Clock is Rotation? The Stellar Rotation Mass-Age Relationship for Old Field Stars,” arXiv:1203.1618v2 .
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  46. Feigelson, E., Babu, G. 2012, “Modern Statistical Methods for Astronomy with R Applications,” Cambridge U. Press, Ch. 3 .
  47. Flewelling, H., Magnier, E., Chambers, K. et al. 2016, “The Pan-STARRS1 Database and Data Products,” arXiv:1612.05243 .
  48. Fouesneau, M., Rix, H-W, von Hippel, T., Hogg, D. Tian, H. 2019, “Precise Ages of Field Stars from White Dwarf Companions,” ApJ 870, 9 .
  49. Gafeira, R., Fonte, C., Pais, M., Fernandes, J., 2014, “Temporal Evolution of Sunspot Areas and Extension of Related Plasma Flows,” Solar Physics 289, 1531 .
  50. Gaia Collaboration 2018, “Gaia Data Release 2. Summary of the Contents and Survey Properties,” A&A 616, A1 .
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  54. Genest-Beaulieu, C., Bergeron, P. 2019, “A Photometric and Spectroscopic Investigation of the DB White Dwarf Population Using SDSS and Gaia Data,” ApJ 882, 106 .
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  56. Gilliland, R. et al. (17 coauthors) 2011, “Kepler Mission Stellar and Instrument Noise Properties,” ApJS 197, 6-25 .
  57. Godoy-Rivera, D., Chaname, J. 2018, “On the Identification of Wide Binaries in the Kepler Field,” MNRAS 479, 4440-4469 .
  58. Gonzalez, G. 2016, “A Revised Gyro-Age for M67 from Kepler/K2-Campaign-5 Light Curves,” MNRAS 463, 3513 .
  59. Gruner, D., Barnes, S. 2020, “Rotation Periods for Cool Stars in the Open Cluster Ruprecht 147 (NGC 6774)”, A&A 644, A16 .
  60. Hall, O., Davies, G., van Saders, J., Nielsen, M., Lund, M., Chaplin, W., Garcia, R., Amard, L., Breimann, A., Khan, S., See, V., Tayar, J. 2021, “Weakened Magnetic Braking Supported by Asteroseismic Rotation Rates of Kepler Dwarfs,” Nature Astronomy, .
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  62. Hartmann, Z., Lepine, S. 2020, “The SUPERWIDE Catalog: A Catalog of 99,203 Wide Binaries Found in Gaia and Supplemented by the SUPERBLINK High Proper Motion Catalog,” ApJS 247, 66 .
  63. Henry, T. 2012, “RECONS Census of Objects Nearer than 10 Parsecs,” .
  64. Howell, S. et al. (19 coauthors) 2014, “The K2 Mission: Characterization and Early Results,” PASP 126, 398 .
  65. Janes, K. 2017, “Rotation Periods of Wide Binaries in the Kepler Field,” ApJ 835, 75-86 .
  66. Janes, K. 2020, “Gyrochronology of Wide Binaries in the Kepler Field,” Proc. Thinkshop 16: The Rotation Periods of Cool Stars, Potsdam, Germany 23-26 Sept. 2019 priv. comm. See also .
  67. Jimenez-Esteban, F., Solano, E., Rodrigo, C. 2019, “A Catalog of Wide Binary & Multiple Systems of Bright Stars from Gaia-DR2 and the Virtual Observatory,” MNRAS 157, 78 .
  68. Johnson, L., Norris, C., Unruh, Y., Solanki, S., Krivova, N., Witzke, V., Shapiro, A. 2021, “Forward Modeling of Kepler-Based Variability Due to Faculae and Spots,” MNRAS, preprint .
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  71. Joyce, S., Barstow, M., Caswell, S., Burleigh, M., Holberg, J., Bond, H. 2018, “Testing the white dwarf mass-radius relation and comparing optical and far-UV spectroscopic results with Gaia DR2, HST, and FUSE,” MNRAS 479, 1612 21 .
  72. Kalirai, J., Hansen, B., Kelson, D., Reitzel, D., Rich, M., Richer, H. 2008, “The Initial-Final Mass Relation: Direct Constraints at the Low-Mass End,” ApJ 676, 594 .
  73. Karoff, C., Metcalfe, T., Santos, A., Montet, B., Isaacson, H., Witzke, V., Shapiro, A., Mathur, S., Davies, G., Lund, M., Garcia, R., Brun, A., Salabert, D. Avelino, P., van Saders, J., Egeland, R., Cunha, M., Campante, T. Chaplin, W., Krivova, N., Solani, S., Stritzinger, M., Knudsen, M. 2018, “The Influence of Metallicity on Stellar Differential Rotation and Magnetic Activity,” ApJ 852, 46 .
  74. Keel, W., Oswalt, T., Mack, P., Henson, G., Hillwig, T., Batcheldor, D., Berrington, R., De Pree, C., Hartmann, D., Leake, M., Licandro, J., Murphy, B., Webb, J., Wood, M. 2017, “The Remote Observatories of the Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy (SARA),” PAP 129, 015002 24 .
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  81. Lanzafame, A., Distefano, E., Barnes, S., Spada, F. 2019, “Evidence of New Magnetic Transitions in Late-type Dwarfs from Gaia DR2,” ApJ 877 157 20 .
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  98. Meibom, S., Barnes, S., Platais, I., Gilliland, R., Latham, D., Mathieu, R. 2015, “A Spin Down Clock for Cool Stars from Observations of a 2.5-billion-year-old Cluster,” Nature 517, L589 .
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